Though he rarely gets out of the office, Kyle is one of our draftsmen at American Heritage Homes. He hails from Hilliard, Ohio, which means he loves his Buckeyes (O-H) and the Cleveland Browns. Don’t hold that against him, though, because he can whip up a home in no time and is always willing to take on a side project! Get to learn more about Kyle below!
- Best concert you’ve been to? Mumford and Sons
- What would it be if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life? Buffalo Chicken
- What’s your favorite movie of all time? Batman: The Dark Knight
- If you could try another role here at AHH for a week, which one would it be? Estimator
- What was the last thing you read? The Greatest Beer Run Ever
- What does your daily life look like at AHH? Read change orders, look over sketches, draw houses in Chief Architect
- What’s one thing that instantly makes your day better? Cookies
- What’s your proudest achievement? My two boys
- What song always gets you out on the dance floor? The Proclaimers- I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)
- If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Wilford
- What is the craziest thing you’ve done? Skydiving
- Where can you be found on your days off? With my wife and kids or golfing
- What’s your favorite team? The Ohio State Buckeyes and Cleveland Browns