Emily has been with American Heritage Homes for over 5 years! This passionate Cleveland Browns fan is a loving wife who enjoys a good dirty martini and spending time with her family. Emily is a confident gal who has been in the industry for a long time and knows how to make homeowners feel comfortable throughout the design-build process. Learn more about Emily below.
- Best movie ever? Tons to choose from, but I will go with The Breakfast Club.
- Do you have any hidden talents or skills? I can crochet almost anything.
- If you had a time machine and couldn’t mess with history, what time period would you travel back to? The 50s
- If you were a character on a TV show, which one would you be? I don’t watch much TV, so I don’t have a great answer for this one lol. Sorry!
- Speaking of movies, what is the current title of your life? The Pursuit of Happyness
- What does a typical day at the office look like? Lots of drawings to adjust floor plans, talking to clients, and working up price quotes.
- What is one random fact that you still remember from grade school? ROYGBIV
- What AHH role would you like to try for a day other than your own? Builder’s Assistant
- What’s the movie title for the current chapter of your life? The Money Pit, as we are currently remodeling parts of our home!
- When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? Honest advice or to have me listen to whatever they want to chat about.
- Look at the last song you listened to on your phone. What is it? Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey
- What would be your personal motto? We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou
- If you could try another role here at AHH for a week, which one would it be? Not that I could replace her, but our Selections Coordinator has a really fun job!